Here’s the Skinny on Semaglutide Weightloss Injections

Body Lounge is excited to share our new weight loss program. The medication is Semaglutide.

Semaglutide is part of a class of medications called GLP-1 receptor agonists, or glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists. It increases insulin secretion, which is good for diabetes. But at higher doses, it acts on centers in the brain and suppresses appetite helping patients adhere to a significantly reduced calorie diet.

Semaglutide is a medical prescription of weekly subcutaneous injections for 16 weeks or longer. It is important to use this medication in conjunction with lifestyle changes to sustain results.

* Semaglutide is a medication injected once a week.
* This medication works by decreasing appetite and telling the stomach to empty slower so you feel full, longer.
* Body Lounge gets the medication compounded keeping the cost more affordable to patients.
* Safe for long term use.
* It is not a stimulant that makes your heart race or keeps you up all night.
* On average patients lose 15% of starting body fat after being on the program for 16 weeks.

Semaglutide has gained a lot of attention in the media recently, and for good reason. With celebrities like Elon Musk and Kim Kardashian showing off their results…the proof is in the pudding.

To see if you’re a candidate for Semaglutide Weightloss, Call to schedule your complimentary consultation: 972.803.4432
