Urinary Stress Incontinence

Emsella Chair

University Park- Dallas, TX


Hate the embarrassing ‘leakage’ after you sneeze or during exercise? Hate having to get up multiple times in the night “to go”?

Want to improve libido?

Think about trying the Emsella Chair.

The Emsella Chair- The equivalent of 11,000 kegels in 28 minutes!

The non-invasive treatment for stress urinary incontinence.

There are no side effects, walk in and walk out the same day, and is pain-free. 

You can sit on Emsella and relax during the treatment, and remain fully clothed. 

Your exact treatment plan will be tailored to your needs. For optimum results, most people need a course of six sessions, with 2 sessions per week over a period of three weeks. 

To find out more, schedule your complimentary consultation. 972.803.4432
